Leap Frog

Leap Frog is a non- profit after school tutoring program in
Oxford, Mississippi. Leap Frog is offered to at- risk first and second graders
in Oxford city and Lafayette county schools.
The program began in the late 1980’s through St. Peter’s
Episcopal Church located off the square. The program has grown tremendously
over the years. In the beginning, the tutoring program only served twelve
students. Now, there are over 102 first and seconds graders who attend Leap
Leap Frog takes place each week on Monday through Thursday.
The students arrive after school where they work one- one- one with a volunteer
tutor on homework and academic activities. After, they are fed a healthy snack
and participate in enrichment hour. During this hour the students are allowed
to play outside, color, and spend time with volunteer mentors.
“Being a
tutor at Leap Frog has really allowed me to give back to the Oxford community.
Knowing that I can help this kids improve their schoolwork and progress to the
next grade is really rewarding. Putting a smile on my student’s face is the
best feeling ever,” said Katie Wilson, an afternoon volunteer tutor at Leap
“I really
recommend that all college students get involved in Leap Frog. It’s just an
hour of your day and it means so much to all the first and second graders
there. It is a lot of fun and makes the student’s day to have you come and
spend time with them,” stated Kathleen Davis, a Leap Frog mentor.
If you are interested in becoming a
Leap Frog tutor or mentor you can contact the Leap Frog office at 906 Van Buren
Avenue or email at them at leapfrogassistant@gmail.com.