Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Smoking Ban Gets Online Opposition (mm3)

Soon students may be able to breathe easier on the campus of Ole Miss.  A smoking ban was proposed and passed in the ASB senate, but still must go through faculty and administration for approval.

Student opinion on the ban varies between smokers and non-smokers.  Junior Journalism major and non-smoker Kristen Stephens said “I believe it’s a good idea. The current system ins’t working well enough and stuents aren’t always staying in the designated areas.  Getting rid of the problem altogether seems like the best solution.”

Other students, especially smokers, are not on board with the program.   Opposition to the ban gave rise to a facebook page called “Kiss My Butt Ole Miss” intended to raise awareness of the potential ban and get support. Richard Burke, a senior political science major from Natchez, is the founder of the new facebook page.  So far the page only has 31 fans since being founded back in September.  In the information bar the page says “We Intend on Keeping Designated Smoking Areas at Ole Miss

I'm not real sure what makes the ASB think that I deserve fewer freedoms than everyone else, but I certainly beg to differ,” Ole Miss student Kate Jones wrote on the page, “I'm fine with respecting smoking regulations. It's that a governing minority is trying to limit my actions, not because I'm doing anything wrong, but only because they don't like it.

If you’d like to voice your opinion on the matter or link up with fellow smokers visit the Kiss My Butt Ole Miss fan page at

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